Thursday, February 1, 2007

Election 2008: Sam Brownback (R)

Foreign Policy: Fight for human rights globally. Protect innocent life at home and abroad. U.N. = lofty ideals + poor execution. U.S forces under U.S. command in U.N. Bear less of the U.N. burden. Expand NATO.

Iraq: Favored OIF. Situation in Iraq is precarious. Turn Iraq over to its people. Voted “No” on redeploying troops out of Iraq by mid 2007.

War on Terror: Islam is not terrorism.

Taxes: Reform tax code. Lower taxes. Opposes all tax increases. Favors flat tax rate for all. Permanently repeal the estate tax. Cut taxes on capital gains and dividends. Favors marriage tax. Opposes increasing deductions for college tuition.

Social Security: Social Security is in crisis. Give Social Security to illegal immigrants. Keep our commitment to retirees. Modernize the Socail Security System. Favors lock-box. Favors personal retirement accounts.

Trade: Favors free trade all around. Trade with China at all cost (even if they are selling weapons to our enemies).

Government: Balance the budget. Pay down the national debt. Reduce spending. Allow lobbyist gifts to congress. Allow soft money. Allow campaign contributions from unions and corporations. Opposes campaign finance reform. Favors big business.

Immigration: Favors guest worker and path to citizenship programs. Opposes welfare for immigrants. Permit more immigration.

Homeland Security: Voted for Patriot Act. Favors missile defense. Opposes nuclear test ban. Favors chemical weapons. Opposes restrictions on companies with links to terrorism. Opposes more base closures. Opposes federal financing for first responders.

Economy: Favors outsourcing. Favors restricting personal bankruptcy. Opposes minimum wage hike. Anti-union.

Education: More students need high quality education. Choice in education crucial. Fix the achievement gap. Reform failing schools. Favors corporations over education. Favors private tutors. Opposes smaller class sizes. Favors school vouchers.

Health Care: HMOs over patients. Brownback pretty much opposes anything having to do with health care, public health, tax deductions for health care costs, etc. Brownback favors Social Darwinism when it comes to health care.

Welfare: Opposes welfare for immigrants.

Abortion: Opposes abortion.

Civil Rights: Opposes gay marriage. Opposes sexual orientation inclusion in hate crimes. Pro-guns. Enforce current gun laws. Favors death penalty. Favors wiretapping.

Energy: America in energy crisis. Energy demand outpaces supply. Reduce oil consumption. Utilize technology and renewable fuels. Favors energy independence. Favors opening ANWR to oil drilling. Opposes reduction in fuel efficiency standards. Favors removal of fuel efficiency standards. Favors renewable and solar energy.

Compare Sam Brownback's views with:

Rudy Giuliani
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
John McCain
John Edwards
Mitt Romney
Bill Richardson
Newt Gingrich
Joe Biden

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