Saturday, January 27, 2007

Election 2008: Barack Obama (D)

Foreign Policy: Favors promotion of human rights, democracy. U.S. Should lead wisely and use its influence prudently to promote liberty and security. Present foreign policy full of missteps and mistakes. Corrective action is gravely needed. U.S. is too friendly with Israel.

Iraq: Strongly criticizes Iraq war. A serious strategic blunder. Important to stabilize Iraq now that we have made the mistake of destroying the stability of the region. Include international community in reconstruction of Iraq. Training and reconstruction in Iraq vital.

War on Terror: Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran all support terror.

Taxes: Favors tax breaks for responsible businesses. Opposes general corporate welfare. Wants to close corporate tax loopholes.

Trade: Trade should directly benefit the U.S. Human rights should precede free trade.

Government: Government should do what is necessary to improve the common good. Citizens want change. Wants campaign reforms and gift prohibitions. Put integrity back in government.

Immigration: Give illegal immigrants access to social security. Give illegal immigrants access to Medicaid. Favors guest worker and path to citizenship programs.

Homeland Security: Improve military training and equipment. Endorses the Patriot Act with the exception of the wiretap provision. Not doing enough to secure our ports and borders.

Economy: Opposes Bush’s economic policies. Favors raising minimum wage. Opposed tighter restrictions and regulations on bankruptcy. Supports labor unions and the middle class.

Education: Improve the education disparity between rich & poor kids. Favors more federal funding for education. Needs based education assessment. Good students should get free higher education.

Health Care: A right, not a privilege. Everyone should have access to reasonably priced health care and prescription drugs.

Welfare: Education and re-education are keys to reducing poverty.

Abortion: Supports abortion. Supports partial-birth abortion.

Civil Rights: Supports affirmative action. Favors ultimate racial equality. Favors gay rights. Opposes gay marriage – favors civil unions. Sexual orientation should not be a basis for discrimination in any forum. Opposes the death penalty. Stricter gun control - no semi-automatic weapons.

Energy: Invest in renewable energy sources. Opposes opening ANWR to oil development. Reduce oil usage. Improve gas mileage standards.

Compare Barack Obama's views with:

Rudy Giuliani
Hillary Clinton
John McCain
John Edwards
Mitt Romney
Bill Richardson
Sam Brownback
Newt Gingrich
Joe Biden

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