Monday, February 5, 2007

Election 2008: Joe Biden (D)

Foreign Policy: Energy is key to our foreign policy. Focus more on Africa. Enlarge NATO.

Iraq: Sectarian civil war. First favored, now opposes OIF. Keep Iraq unified. Withdraw most U.S. troops by end of 2007. Propose a plan for each sector (Shia, Sunni, Kurd) to share in oil revenues. Give incentives to permit Sunnis, Shias and Kurds to pursue their interests peacefully. Deal with unemployment in Iraq. Rebuild infrastructure. Deal with sectarianism.

War on Terror: Islam is not terrorism. Civilian contracts in Iraq & Afghanistan suspicious.

Taxes: Repeal tax cuts for wealthy ($1mil/year). Favors estate tax & capital gains tax. Opposes marriage penalty. No internet sales tax. Tax the rich. Give tax breaks to the poor & middle class.

Social Security: No lock-box. Give social security to illegal immigrants.

Trade: Open trade with Vietnam/China. Free trade with some, not others. Expand free trade in undeveloped countries.

Government: Favors line-item veto. Balance the budget. Favors campaign finance reform. No soft money. No gifts from lobbyists. No campaign contributions from unions or corporations.

Immigration: Permit more legal immigration. Favors guest worker & path to citizenship programs. Give illegal immigrants Social Security and welfare.

Homeland Security: Reauthorize Patriot Act. Homeland is not secure. More resources are needed. Implement 9/11 commission report recommendations. Favors national missile defense. Implement Homeland Security Trust Fund. Close more military bases. Invest in law enforcement. Restrict business linked to terrorism. Favors nuclear test ban.

Economy: Favors unions. Jobs are critical to America's success. America must compete globally. The economy must change to accommodate global changes. Raise the minimum wage. Favors climate change treaty – developing economies need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Opposes tax subsidies for off-shore corporations. Subsidize farming industry. Restrict personal bankruptcy.

Education: Education is key if America wants to compete globally. Every American should have access to higher education. Opposes school vouchers. Increase tax deductions for tuition. Expand government grants and student loan accessibility. Start high school students early applying and saving for college. Utilize technology to improve the systems. Favors education over corporations. Favors smaller class sizes. Opposes private tutors. Favors national education standards.

Health Care: Provide health care for the millions of Americans who don’t already have it. Health care costs American companies while their competitors abroad don’t bear these costs. Contain the costs of health care. Permit re-importation of prescription drugs. Favors self-employed health care tax deductions. Modernize & simplify the system. Reduce errors. System should be uniform; records, claims, billing, etc. Most vulnerable in society first.

Welfare: Revamp welfare system.

Abortion: Favors abortion. Opposes partial-birth abortion.

Civil Rights: Favors gay marriage. Sexual orientation should be included in criteria for hate crimes. Favors stricter gun control. Favors affirmative action. Favors national sex-offender registry. Favors gays in military.

Energy: Pursue energy independence. Pursue renewable and alternative sources of energy, bio-fuels, solar, hydrogen & wind energy, etc. Reduce oil consumption. Increase efficiency. Opposes oil drilling in ANWR.

Compare Joe Biden's views with:

Rudy Giuliani
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
John McCain
John Edwards
Mitt Romney
Bill Richardson
Sam Brownback
Newt Gingrich

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