Thursday, February 1, 2007

Election 2008: Bill Richardson (D)

Foreign Policy: Restore world respect and U.S. reputation abroad. Tough/smart foreign policy. Strong military. Promote freedom, alleviate poverty and stop global warming.

Iraq: Get us out of Iraq. Our presence in Iraq is no longer helping. Iraqis should be responsible for their own security. Engage neighbors and allies in Iraq. Rebuild Iraq. Create jobs for Iraqis (40% unemployment).

War on Terror: Number one challenge – defeat terrorism.

Taxes: Opposed sales tax on food (NM).Tax credits for businesses that create jobs. Tax credits for high tech startups. Cut taxes for middle class. Tax big corporations. Restructure tax code.

Social Security: Illegal immigrants pay Social Security, let them collect it.

Trade: Trade with Mexico. Favors free trade/NAFTA.

Government: Washington is broken. Return to bipartisanship. Balance the budget. Responsible spending. Ideological warfare – bad. Favor minorities with government contracts. Eradicate waste & fraud.

Immigration: Crack down on illegal activity. Protect our citizens. Illegal immigrants should pay taxes and learn English. Secure the border. U.S. is a country of immigrants. Reform immigration policy. Increase legal immigration. Path to citizenship. No right to citizenship for illegal children. No fence. Increase border patrol.

Homeland Security: Mexican border a state of emergency. No missile defense. Fight base closures.

Economy: Economy should work for the middle class. Create well paying jobs. Create high tech jobs.

Education: Increase teacher pay. Favors charter schools. Opposes vouchers. Divert funds from administration to the classroom. Increase teacher standards. Banned junk food in public schools (NM). Give 7th graders laptops.

Health Care: Quality, affordable health care for all Americans. Help seniors with prescription drug costs. Assist children, working families, small businesses get affordable health care. Immunize children. Include mental health and substance abuse therapy.

Welfare: Non governmental charities. Higher tax deductions for charitable contributions.

Abortion: Favors abortion. Favors partial-birth abortion.

Civil Rights: Favors civil unions. Favors gays in the military. Favors affirmative action. Favors death penalty. Loves guns.

Energy: Stop global warming. Energy independence. Renewable energy sources. Improve fuel efficiency standards. Develop alternative energies: wind & solar.

Compare Bill Richardson's views with:

Rudy Giuliani
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
John McCain
John Edwards
Mitt Romney
Sam Brownback
Newt Gingrich
Joe Biden

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