Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Election 2008: John Edwards (D)

Foreign Policy: Expand NATO. Favors multilateralism. Lead world by hand, not fist. AIDS/Africa should be a priority. Keep U.S. forces under U.S. command in U.N. Favors sanctions on Iran.

Iraq: Voted for invasion – later said it was a mistake. Preemption unwise. Wrong strategy, not wrong war. Saddam Hussein wasn’t an imminent threat. Engage allies/U.N. in Iraq. Halliburton – bad. Engage NATO. Support troops.

War on Terror: Islam is not Terrorism. America needs its allies - international approach. Iraq is not the War on Terror.

Taxes: Opposed Bush tax cuts – rich pay less dollar for dollar. Reduce marriage penalty. Favors estate tax. Favors tax break for tuition. Close corporate tax loopholes. Favors tax cuts for middle class. Tax wealth, not work.

Social Security: No private accounts. No lock-box.

Trade: Favors free-trade with some, not others. Trade with China/Vietnam. Necessitate labor/environmental standards. Protect U.S. jobs.

Government: Pay down national debt. Publicly fund elections. Ban soft money & donations from lobbyists, special interests, unions, businesses. Poverty, education, health care, defense should be higher priorities.

Immigration: Immigrants earn citizenship. Filter terrorists from immigrants.

Homeland Security: Filter terrorists from immigrants. Use National Guard at home. Favors missile defense. Modernize military. Favors nuclear test ban. Improve intelligence & counter-terrorism capabilities.

Economy: Increase minimum wage. Pay down national debt. Regulate CEO pay. Favors unions. Restrict personal bankruptcy. Keep jobs in U.S. Help farmers, not the rich.

Education: Opposes vouchers. Opposes private tutors. Favors smaller classes, more teachers. Increase funding. Increase teacher pay. Improve access to college education.

Health Care: Every child should have adequate health care. Help poor, seniors, kids, not HMOs. Bush doesn’t care about health care for the poor. Favors prescription drugs in Medicare. Favors re-importation of prescription drugs.

Welfare: Working parents should get tax breaks and school assistance. Poverty is a moral issue. People with full time jobs should not have to live in poverty.

Abortion: Favors abortion. Favors partial-birth abortion.

Civil Rights: Every American should be equal under the law. Gun control OK for kids/felons. Gay marriage – let the states decide. Hate crimes based on sexual orientation. Pro- Affirmative Action. Favors death penalty.

Energy: Develop alternative energy sources. Opposes oil drilling in ANWR. Conserve energy. Increase fuel efficiency standards. Voted against funding for renewable energy.

Compare John Edwards' views with:

Rudy Giuliani
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
John McCain
Mitt Romney
Bill Richardson
Sam Brownback
Newt Gingrich
Joe Biden

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes your statment that Edwards supports "No funding for renewable energy." is incorrect.

the Edwards energy plan