Monday, January 29, 2007

Election 2008: Hillary Clinton (D)

Foreign Policy: Human rights should be key in U.S. foreign policy. Broker Israel-Palestine peace.

Iraq: Iraq is a mess. Supported the war but criticizes strategy. Favors gradual redeployment of troops from Iraq. Criticizes civilian contract awards in OIF and OEF campaigns.

War on Terror: Anti-terror not anti-Islam.

Taxes: Cut taxes if budget permits. Companies should be taxed for on- and off-shore operations. Federal tax dollars should be distributed based on population. Tax cuts should go to students, families w/children, elderly, etc.

Social Security: Support Social Security.

Trade: Favors free trade in some cases but not others. Globalization is overrated.

Government: Pay down national debt. Balance the budget. Opposes soft money contributions. Favors campaign finance reform. Government is not always the answer.

Immigration: Favors guest worker and path to citizenship programs. Give illegal aliens social security benefits.

Homeland Security: Favors nuclear test ban. Supports funding for missile defense.

Economy: People should be able to support their families. Favors minimum wage increases (tie it to congress’ wage increases). Favors stricter rules on bankruptcy. Supports unions.

Education: Promote after school programs. Favors school uniforms. Opposes vouchers. Improve public schools – not degrade them by diverting their funding. Shift corporate tax cuts to education. Increase funding for federal student aid programs. Favors charter schools and school choice. Favors smaller class sizes and more teachers.

Health Care: Supports affordable health care and prescription drugs for all. Cut the fat in health care system. Stronger regulation of tobacco. Families and children are paramount. Permit re-importation of drugs

Welfare: If you work hard, you shouldn’t have to live in poverty. Jobs and affordable housing are critical.

Abortion: Supports Abortion. Supports partial-birth abortion.

Civil Rights: Sexual orientation a basis for hate crimes. Favors cell phone wiretapping. Favors gays in the military. Favors married couple benefits for gay couples. Favors reasonable restrictions on gun access (felons, etc.). Register all handguns.

Energy: Conserve. Favors drastically reducing oil dependence. Increase fuel efficiency standards. Prohibit oil drilling in ANWR. Develop alternative energy vehicle technologies. Favors Kyoto Protocol.

Compare Hillary Clinton's views with:

Rudy Giuliani
Barack Obama
John McCain
John Edwards
Mitt Romney
Bill Richardson
Sam Brownback
Newt Gingrich
Joe Biden

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